Aug 21, 2024

New Apex Royale Garage Installation in East Calder

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The Apex Royale Range is a stunning pitched roof design garage with an unrivalled selection of special features included as standard. Outstanding value for money.

With Concrete Garages Scotland your garage will be installed in a single day. If you require a base to be laid allow an additional day, we can advise you on more information on this.

However, compared to traditional brick built construction, it’s MUCH quicker. Our complete garage installation service takes some beating. No waiting on tradespeople, our team does everything. What's more, our garages are at least as strong and long-lasting as a brick garage but at around half the price or less. Our garages usually don’t require Planning Permission either, ask us for more details.

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New Apex Royale Garage Installation in East Calder
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